Sunday, October 12, 2014

Listening can be difficult

   I have been doing my best to listen to my body when it tries to let me know what is good and what is not, but honestly, listening can be difficult. My weight has stagnated over the last couple of months and I have yet to understand what my body needs to get my weight loss kick started again. I am seeking the loss of another 30 pounds. Weight plateaus are common and there are several recommendations on how to break through them. I have increased my calorie intake for a few days hoping to convince my body that it no longer needs to conserve energy (fat). I have increased exercise, which is a good thing, to try to increase my metabolism, but that hasn’t seemed to work either. I increased my leafy green vegetable intake, especially spinach and kale, and have been dealing with a mild case of diarrhea for the past couple of weeks. I am taking probiotics and eating a bland diet to combat the diarrhea, and that is working.
   So, I have not figured it out, but that just reinforces that each of us is different. We each have our own needs tailored to our own metabolism and sensitivities. I will be adding in different foods slowly to determine which might be bothering me. Life is an experiment, and I am enjoying this one, even if it is a little difficult to read what my body is trying to tell me.

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