Greetings from Holley NY
While my husband and I have a number of blogs between us, this is the first one where we collaborate. It is also the first one where we get up close and personal with the world about something so near and dear to us... our health. So why share something THIS personal in such a public forum? Quite simply because collectively we share many of the same struggles as many of you do. So if we can make a difference in at least one person's life by sharing our struggles, our knowledge, and our successes, then it would all be worth it.
There's an old adage that says, "knowledge is power". So with this blog we hope to impart knowledge, sharing with you ... our new friends...our struggles with weight, brain fog, lack of energy, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, irritable bowel, diverticulitis, and more; experiencing, learning, and growing from the many lessons we face along the way; and most of all celebrating our daily triumphs, however big or small, with our brand new online community.
Many thanks to my husband's cardiologist, Dr. Solomon who encouraged him to try a diet that has worked for many of his patients when all else failed... the Gluten-Free / Grain-Free diet. For it is where our journey begins. A journey that has us paying closer attention to what our bodies are telling us; a journey that has given us an unquenchable thirst for new knowledge beyond what the medical community is willing to openly share; and most of all... a journey that has us connecting with the world through heart-felt conversations with our families, our friends, and to a world once beyond our reach thanks to the Internet. So join us as we "go against the grain". Together, we will explore, experience, learn, grow, and share recipes, shopping and dining tips, and the latest health news with the goal of feeling better so we can accomplish more with the life God has given us. United by a common goal to get healthy, we are stronger together than anyone of us can be on our own.
So here's to a happier and healthier you!
Justin & Theresa Kirk
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