Monday, November 24, 2014

Sugar in Healthy Foods

   I am looking forward to watching the movie called “That Sugar Film” by Australian film maker, Damon Gameau. When I first read the title, I thought, sure, sugar is bad and more and more studies are uncovering the risks and dangers of too much sugar. But what caught my interest the most is that Damon was not eating candy, ice cream, and drinking soda. He consumed foods that are perceived to be healthy such as low fat yogurt, granola bars, cereals, 100% fruit juices and sports drinks.

   I was surprised at first, but when I thought about it, it made sense to me. When food makers make a low fat version of something, they usually up the sugar to make it taste good. He consumed 40 teaspoons of sugar per day. This amount eventually impacted his physical and mental well-being. He very quickly developed fatty liver disease.

   I do not think sugar is necessarily evil, but too much is definitely not good. It is hidden in so many of our foods and comes in many forms. There are added sugars in foods where it is not immediately evident, such as tomato soup. You may be surmised where added sugar hides in our foods.

   The movie will be released in Australia in February 2015. A USA release has not yet been announced.
The Fox News article can be found here. An interview with the film maker can be seen on You Tube here.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Blessings of International Commerce

   Our forefathers ate much better than we do today. Their food was less processed and fresher. They enjoyed fresh vegetables and fruits in season, and preserved what they could to get them through the winter. We can do the same today, but we are blessed with the gifts of international commerce. We can get fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the entire year because of the differing growing seasons around the world. Just think, it would have been difficult to have orange juice or a banana for breakfast 150 years ago. I live in upstate NY which is rich in farmland and orchards. My wife and I enjoy many fruits and vegetables throughout the late spring through autumn. The farms here produce many wonderful edibles. But, you would be hard pressed to find pineapple, mango, papaya or citrus fruits from our local farms. Commerce brings these sought after products to the cool northeast.

   And the country and world around us benefits from the apples, peaches, pears, cabbage and other produce that our area grows. Our area also produces lots of milk, which of course is turned into so many other dairy products.

   Commerce also allows us to experiment, if we wish, with so many international and ethnic foods and dishes. I think it is wonderful the vast diversity that commerce allows us to experience in our stores. Our local supermarket proudly displays their selection of produce, cheeses from around the world and lots of natural and organic foods and produce.
   Often, people look at commerce as evil and greedy. There may be some of that, but we also gain some incredible blessings from it. I wish you all good health and an energetic life.